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Notre Dame Donations – How Much Has Been Donated So Far?

It has only been a few days since a large fire destroyed much of the world famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, but already donations are flooding in from around the world to help pay for repairs to the 850-year-old French landmark. It is thought that upwards of $1 billion has been donated so far from a small number of France’s richest citizens and companies.

One of those donations came from Francois-Henri Pinault, who
is the CEO of Kering. This is a big company that owns some prestigious brands
like Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent. He pledged approximately 100 million euros, which is
around $113 million at current exchange rates. These are eye watering sums of
money, but considering the family is worth in excess of $37 billion, it really
is a drop in the ocean.

This donation was then followed by another donation of 200 million euros ($226
million), which was made by Bernard Arnault. He is the current CEO of LVMH Moët
Hennessy Louis Vuitton. He is better known as being the richest man in Europe,
with an estimated fortune of $90 billion. In fact, he is currently the third
richest person in the world, trailing only Jeff Bezos and Microsoft founder
Bill Gates.

There have been other donations to from French cosmetics giant
L’Oreal, who are owned by the Bettencourt family. They have also donated 200
million euros for the Notre Dame rebuild. Later that day, oil company Total
stated its intention to donate 100 million euros to the rebuilding fund. These donations
alone have resulted in a war chest of 600 million euros.

It is thought that the French public will also be as generous
in their donations. Despite the large sums that are being donated, it is
thought around $8 Billion will be needed to get the project finished.

The French President Emmanual Macron has said that they will
attempt to re-build Notre Dame within 5 years, which is considered by many to
be a little optimistic, but with the level of donations that are flooding in,
who can bet against this from happening? Will more donations be on the way? Tim
Cook from Apple says that he is intending to donate to the fund. There are some
critics who believe many are using this tragedy as a marketing campaign to
improve their image, but the money needs to be raised somehow.

If you would like to donate, you can do so by visiting https://dartagnans.fr/en/projects/notre-dame-de-paris-je-t-aime/campaign.

The post Notre Dame Donations – How Much Has Been Donated So Far? appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.

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