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Best Platforms For Parasite SEO In 2019

Parasite SEO is a
great way for beginners as well as pro-marketers to drive the profitable search
engine traffic. You create some content and post it on an authoritative
website, then build a lot of links and share the content across various social
media platforms. If done properly, you can easily rank on the top in Google.

It is called Parasite
SEO because you’re piggybacking on authority sites to get your page rank on top
of the search results. The strategy requires time and efforts.

If you’re a beginner
with a small budget, you can open the gates for parasite SEO. It is awesome
because you don’t have to wait for your site to gain authority. Luckily, there
are a lot of high authority sites that allow you to post user-generated

If you want your web
page rank on top of the search results, you’re so in luck. In this post, we
will discuss the best platforms for Parasite SEO.


Mamby is powered by
an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm that shows you stuff you like.
Anyone with an internet connection can post on it. Mamby is
an intelligent and creative community
. Not only does it allow you to post content but
you also get dofollow backlinks.

Because of its high
Page Authority, chances of your content ranking higher in Google are huge. And
since you’re getting a dofollow backlink, you’re also sucking the authority of
the host domain.

You can also use a
large amount of LSI keywords on Mamby which could have resulted in a Google
penalty with a regular site. Moreover, you also get paid for posting your
content on Mamby. It is by far the best platform for Parasite SEO.  


Medium is another
great platform for parasite SEO. With a high page authority, the likelihood of
your content posted on medium.com is very high. You can build as many backlinks
as you want without worrying about Google penalties because it is a trusted
site. Besides, it is not your site.

Since this is a
highly trusted site, your post might rank even without the backlinks.
Therefore, you can get a lot of visitors. It is a great choice if an instant
conversion is not the goal.

You will continue to
benefit because the website will keep driving traffic to your post for a long
time. Also, the brand equity of medium can result in higher CTR.


The domain authority
of 90 makes Reddit a great choice for parasite SEO. It can help you generate a
lot of leads as well. The content posted on Reddit often ranks on top even for
the highly competitive keywords.

But keep in mind that
Reddit is strict about self-promotion. They may remove your content in case
they notice that the links are pointing to your pages. Since Reddit is highly
regulated, you have to be smart about posting your content on this platform.
You will get results if you do it properly on Reddit.


Quora is a question
and answer based website managed by its community of users. You can also create
your own blog on Quora. By posting content on this platform, you can rest
assured that it will rank nicely in Google.

After building a
couple of backlinks, you can expect your content to climb on the top. If there’s
a question on Quora which is already ranking on Google, you can write a
detailed answer with attractive images and your answer will appear on top. It
is indeed a great platform for parasite SEO.

By leveraging the
power of these sites, you can easily rank higher in Google. Be smart about the
platform you choose. Some will rank better than the other for particular
niches. You have to do some research and hopefully, you will be able to get the
desired results.

The post Best Platforms For Parasite SEO In 2019 appeared first on FeedsPortal.com.

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